Statistics and Pool Drowning Prevention
Drowning is the NUMBER-ONE cause of death among children. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) uncovered these statistics regarding children ages 5 and under. Nearly 80 percent of child drowning victims are out of their parents' sight for FIVE MINUTES OR LESS.
- 60 percent of children who drown in swimming pools are between six months and four years old.
- 75 percent of young drowning victims drown in their swimming pools.
- Of all drownings, 40 percent occur on Saturdays and Sundays.
- In 75 percent of swimming pool drownings, the tragic cause is a combination of either no supervision and the absence of a pool barrier.
- Most drowning victims 5 years of age and under were in the care of one or both of their PARENTS.
Most child drowning victims discovered in the pool with their clothes on, most likely occurred because the child wandered out unattended and not when others were in the pool.
Studies also show children drown during routine household activities, for example, someone at the door, a phone call, taking a shower, or cleaning. It only takes a second for a child to slip away.
No matter how the drowning occurred or where it happened, pool, spa, or any other body of water, one thing was the same. The seconds that claimed their child's life slid by silently (THERE WAS NO CRY FOR HELP), no warning, and they can never be brought back.
Studies also show children drown during routine household activities, for example, someone at the door, a phone call, taking a shower, or cleaning. It only takes a second for a child to slip away.
No matter how the drowning occurred or where it happened, pool, spa, or any other body of water, one thing was the same. The seconds that claimed their child's life slid by silently (THERE WAS NO CRY FOR HELP), no warning, and they can never be brought back.
A childcare pool fence is NOT a substitute for adult supervision; however, it can help prevent a tragedy.
Action Steps to Help Prevent Drownings
- Alarm all doors and windows that lead out to the pool area, and install them at least five feet from ground level, so children cannot reach them.
- To eliminate access to a pool or spa, install a Childcare Pool Fence around the area. If a Self-Closing, Self-Latching Gate is installed with the fence, have the gate open away from the pool.
- Covers are another way of protecting your pool however, covers and safety nets do not protect the pool when it is in use.
- Check with your pediatrician to see when swimming lessons are right for your child.
- Courses in INFANT CPR and FIRST AID are highly recommended for parents and other caregivers.
- NEVER leave a small child unattended near any body of water, no matter how shallow it may be.
The most important part of drowning prevention is parental supervision, but as the statistics show, PARENTAL SUPERVISION CAN FAIL. A Childcare Pool Fence installed around your pool or spa will help prevent your child from becoming a statistic while allowing your family to enjoy the pool and its surroundings.